Which White Sox players have also played for the Mariners? MLB Immaculate Grid Answers September 20
MLB Immaculate Grid releases a new online quiz for baseball fans everyday. Despite coming out with fewer than 200 puzzles, the grid is one of the most popular games in the baseball world.
The 3 x 3 Immaculate Grid is comprised of nine squares that users must populate. In order to be successful, users must complete the names of relevant MLB stars, past and present.
On September 20, the Immaculate Grid asked users to name players who have appeared for both the Seattle Mariners and Chicago White Sox. Let's take a look at some of the biggest names that did that.
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It did not take long for 1987 Seattle Mariners first overall draft pick Ken Griffey Jr. to make his mark on MLB. The center fielder hit 16 home runs and 64 RBIs in his freshman season of 1989, finishing third in AL Rookie of the Year voting. The following season, he would win the first of ten consecutive Gold Gloves during his time in Seattle. Griffey won the 1997 AL MVP Award after hitting .304/.382/.646 with 56 home runs and 147 RBIs, leading MLB in both categories. However, after beefing with Mariners rookie Alex Rodriguez, Griffey was traded to the Reds. He briefly appeared as a member of the 2008 White Sox before returning to the Mariners, retiring in 2010.
"33 years ago today. Ken Griffey Sr. and Ken Griffey Jr. hit back-to-back home runs for the Mariners" - Odds Shark2008 Chicago White Sox first rounder Gordon Beckham made his debut with the team in 2009. That season, the infielder hit .270/.347/.460 with 14 home runs and 63 RBIs, finishing fifth in AL Rookie of the Year voting. Unfortunately, Beckham would never recapture the success of his freshman campaign, and retired in 2019 with a career .237 batting average.
Pitcher Freddy Garcia had the best of times in Seattle. In his freshman season of 1999, the 6-foot-4 Venezuelan posted a 17-8 record alongside 170 strikeouts, finishing in the top ten in Cy Young voting, and finishing second in Rookie of the Year voting. During the 2001 season in which the Mariners set the AL wins record with 116 victories, Garcia's 3.05 ERA was the lowest among starters, and his 238 innings were the highest. In 2004, he joined the White Sox, and was part of the team that saw the Sox defeat the Houston Astros to win the World Series.
"Freddy Garcia owning David Justice. #Mariners" - Ridge6-foot-5 reliever JJ Putz began throwing for the Seattle Mariners in 2003. Over the next couple of years, he solidified his role as one of the best closers in the game. In 2008, Putz posted a 1.38 ERA across 68 relief appearances for the Mariners. Because of the strong season, the right hander made his first All-Star Game and finished twelfth in AL MVP voting. He spent the 2010 season with the White Sox, where he posted a 2.83 ERA across 60 games.
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