Crosshair, configuration, keybinds, sensitivity, and more
It is no secret that many CS: GO professionals sought a change in their esports careers after the release of Valorant in early 2020. While notable names like ScreaM, ShahZam, Nivera, and a few others did make their way into Riot's shooter, some stuck to their Counter Strike roots.
Jacky "Stewie2K" Yip is an American esports player known for his lengthy career in Counter Strike: Global Offensive. Over the years, he has represented some of the most elite rosters in the North American CS: GO scene.
With Stewie2K currently taking a break from professional CS: GO, the 24-year-old has confirmed that he is looking to make the switch to Valorant. Much like his predecessors, Stewie is also equipped with raw mechanical skills and a profound understanding of the game to find success in this FPS shooter.
However, until then, Stewie2K plans to remain under contract with his current organization as their official streamer, exploring the ins and outs of Valorant for his 1.1 million followers on Twitch.
Everything to know about Stewie2K's Valorant settings and configurations in 2022
Stewie2K first started his esports career in 2015, playing CS: GO with a variety of teams in the game's North American circuit. His spells with teams like Cloud9, SK Gaming, MIBR, Team Liquid, and Evil Geniuses are admirable, to say the least.
Since entering the esports industry as a young prospect, Stewie2K has progressed a long way, going from an entry fragger to even an IGL in his later years. Although his entry into professional Valorant depends on the state of Riot's franchise structure for North America, gamers all over the world are extremely excited for Stewie to make his Valorant debut.
Note: This data has been procured from
Mouse settings
- DPI: 450
- Sensitivity: 0.65
- eDPI: 292.5
- Zoom Sensitivity: 1.2
- Hz: 1000
- Windows Sensitivity: 6
- Raw Input Buffer: On
- Color: Cyan
- Outlines: Off
- Outline Opacity: Unknown
- Center Dot: Off
Inner Lines
- Show Inner Lines: On
- Inner Line Opacity: 1
- Inner Line Length: 5
- Inner Line Thickness: 2
- Inner Line Offset: 4
- Movement Error: Off
- Firing Error: Off
Outer Lines
- Show Outer Lines: Off
- Movement Error: Off
- Firing Error: Off
- Walk: L-Shift
- Crouch: L-Ctrl
- Jump: Space Bar
- Use Object: F
- Equip Primary Weapon: 1
- Equip Secondary Weapon: 2
- Equip Melee Weapon: 3
- Equip Spike: 4
- Use/Equip Ability 1: C
- Use/Equip Ability 2: Q
- Use/Equip Ability 3: E
- Use/Equip Ability (Ultimate): Mouse 5
Map settings
- Rotate: Rotate
- Fixed Orientation: Always the same
- Keep Player Centered: Off
- Minimap Size: 1.1
- Minimap Zoom: 0.9
- Minimap Vision Cones: On
- Show Map Region Names: Always
Video Settings
- Resolution: 1920x1080
- Aspect Ratio: 16:9
- Aspect Ratio Method: Letterbox
- Display Mode: Fullscreen
Graphics Quality
- Multithreaded Rendering: On
- Material Quality: Low
- Texture Quality: Low
- Detail Quality: Low
- UI Quality: Low
- Vignette: Off
- VSync: Off
- Anti-Aliasing: None
- Anisotropic Filtering: 1x
- Improve Clarity: Off
- Experimental Sharpening: Unknown
- Bloom: Off
- Distortion: Off
- Cast Shadows: Off
- Enemy Highlight Color: Yellow (Deuteranopia)
Monitor Settings
Game Settings
- DyAc: Premium
- Black eQualizer: 10
- Color Vibrance: 12
- Low Blue Light: 0
- Instant Mode: On
- Picture Mode: FPS 1
- Brightness: 90
- Contrast: 55
- Sharpness: 9
- Gamma: Gamma 4
- Color Temperature: Bluish
- Red: Unknown
- Green: Unknown
- Blue: Unknown
- AMA: Premium
Graphics Card Settings
- Digital Vibrance: 75%
- Monitor: ZOWIE XL2546K
- Mouse: Logitech G Pro X Superlight
- Mousepad: SteelSeries QcK Heavy
- Keyboard: Logitech G512
- Headset: Hyper X Cloud II
- Chair: Herman Miller Aeron
PC Settings
- CPU: Intel Core i9-9900K
- GPU: Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 Super
By using Stewie2K's in-game settings and configurations, and dedicating a fair amount of time to improving their performance, players can aspire to compete at the same level that Stewie2K has in his illustrious esports career.
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